• Pipi and Pou

    and the


    Book 6 in the Pipi and Pou Series

    Pipi and Pou and the Firewoman

    Award Winner - Storylines Notable Book 2024

    'Can't be playing with matches. You could set the whole world ablaze.'

    'That's what she said,' Rāwiri mumbled with a mouth full of food.

    A crease formed in Nana's brow.

    'Who said?' she inquired.

    'The woman in the forest,' blurted Rāwiri. 'She threw a fireball at me.'

    Pou frowned. 'A fireball?' Like the ones from that RPG game you play on your device?'

    Join Pipi, Pou and Nana as they seek out the strange woman who has frightened the mischievious Rāwiri.

    Illustrated by Isobel Te Aho-White. OneTree House 2024.

    Order direct from publisher

  • Tim's Books can be purchased online

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